Warehouse Handler II

Novo Nordisk

  • Tianjin
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 1 month ago
诺和诺德(中国)制药有限公司天津生产厂是诺和诺德全球唯一的胰岛素耐用注射器械供应商,以及重要的胰岛素制剂与灌装生产基地,在2019年,2020年及2022年荣获Kincentric“最佳雇主”称号。诺和诺德成立灌装&成品扩建项目部,主要负责产品供应&质量&信息技术部(PSQIT)在全球范围内灌装&成品扩建项目的筹划、建设。我们的目标是通过应用新技术,提升产能,持续满足患者需求的同时,打造未来新标杆。作为该项目部成员之一,天津扩建项目位于天津市滨海新区睦宁路,毗邻现有天津生产厂。在这里你将有机会与来自全球各地,拥有不同文化背景的伙伴一起工作,一起致力于驱动改变,改善数百万糖尿病和其他慢性疾病患者的生活!心动不如行动,快来申请相关岗位吧!Education Background: 教育背景
  • Junior college graduate or above 大专或以上学历
  • Basic English skill 基本的英语沟通能力
Professional Experience专业经验:
  • Minimum 2 year of working experience of manufacturing industry warehouse or distribution center warehouse.2年以上制造行业仓库货或分拨中心仓库工作经验。
  • Experience of driving forklift,automation equipment experience is preferred.使用叉车的经验,有自动化设备经验的优先。
  • Basic skill of MS office.使用办公软件的基本技能
  • Previous experience with SAP or similar WMS system is preferable.具备SAP或相关仓库WMS系统的操作经验者优先
  • Coordinate experience of warehouse operation and project implementation experience.仓库现场协调的经验和项目执行经验
Purpose of the Job 职位目标:Secure the daily warehouse operation to complete the day's tasks on time, maintain communication with the production lines and related departments to ensure the priority level of tasks, monitor the operation of automation equipment and deal with equipment anomalies to ensure the smooth operation of the site.确保每天的仓库日常运营按时完成当天的任务,和生产线以及现场相关部门保持沟通并确保任务的优先等级,监控自动化设备的运行情况并处理设备的异常情况确保现场运行顺畅。Main Job Tasks 岗位职责:
  • During the project period, learn and familiar with the logistics flow, warehouse business processes, responsible for relevant system and physical operations.在参与项目期间了解物流动线,熟悉仓库业务流程,负责相关系统及实体操作。
  • Participant in validation activities as the role of tester. 作为测试员身份参与验证测试活动。
  • Communicate daily task of warehouse operation. 仓库每日工作量沟通
  • Prepare daily task in SAP-EWM system as well as handle AGV etc. for daily goods transportation.在SAP-EWM系统中准备好当天的任务,并灵活使用AGV等自动化设备进行日常物料输送
  • Communicate with upstream and follow up the problem solving of SAP system feedback.对于现场反馈的SAP系统的报障和上游进行沟通并追踪解决
  • To respond to the field automation equipment in time and solve the problem with the upstream team.对于现场自动化设备的报障及时响应并和上游团队经行解决
  • Fill out warehouse related document and keep in the archives according to SOP. All record of storage should be integrated and accurate, the report must measure up the GDP requirement, it must match the data in system.填写仓库所有物料相关的记录和文件,并按照SOP要求进行存档。仓库记录完整准确,书写符合GDP的要求,库存数据与系统中相符。
  • Operate warehouse related IT system, such as Prism/SAP/PAS-X/STYX/ESC etc. Do transactions related to receive, inbound, outbound, transfer. Generate reports, analysis deviation and adjust system.操作仓库相关IT 系统,如Prism/SAP/PAS-X/STYX/ESC 等。在系统中录入物料接收、入库、出库、物料转移等数据;生成数据报告;进行差异分析;调整和维护系统数据。
  • Real-time monitoring and adjustment of the completion rate of production line stocking tasks to ensure the timely and accurate supply of production line materials.对于生产线备货任务完成率的实时监控和调整,确保生产线物料供应及时准确。
  • Maintain and control warehouse environment to meet the requirement of quality compliance, 5S and EHS.维护和控制仓库环境以符合质量合规、5S和EHS的要求。
  • For cold storage, control temperature of both house and cargo, handle emergency situation for over temperature, monitor the temperature of cold transportation.控制冷库和冷藏货物的温度、按要求进行冷库超温后应急处理、监控冷链运输的温度。
  • Manage hazardous chemical storage, handle emergency situation for over temperature and materials leakage.管理危险化学品,按要求进行化学品库超温和物料泄露后的应急处理。
  • Operate warehouse equipment safely. Keep all facilities and equipment in warehouse in good condition to ensure work safety and no incidents.安全操作并维护仓库设备,确保日常操作安全、无事故。
  • Operate stock count according to requirement monthly/quarterly/yearly, or when needed.按照要求进行例行盘点月度/季度/年度,或者需要时。
We commit to an inclusive recruitment process and equality of opportunity for all our job applicants.At Novo Nordisk we recognize that it is no longer good enough to aspire to be the best company in the world. We need to aspire to be the best company for the world and we know that this is only possible with talented employees with diverse perspectives, backgrounds and cultures. We are therefore committed to creating an inclusive culture that celebrates the diversity of our employees, the patients we serve and communities we operate in. Together, we’re life changing.

Novo Nordisk